Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Something Triumphant and Victorious This Way Comes


I need to loose weight. I want to be a better person, not for anyone else but for me. I want to be able to look in the mirror and not be disgusted by what I see. I don’t want to do this because every guy I’ve ever liked has told me they wanted someone that was skinny, athletic of fit. I don’t want to loose weight because of what I see on television or because of what people tell me I should be. I want to do it so I can be a better person, so I can like what I see and not be afraid to look in the mirror. I want to do this for you, God.

I want to feel my self-esteem, not the esteem that others have for me. I want to be confident in your Word and your promises. I know I’m not alone in this. I don’t want to try and loose weight in order to gain approval; I don’t want to feel like I can’t go out and fun because of the way I look. Not everyone will understand. My family doesn’t get it, my friends don’t believe it, but I know I’m not the only person that feels this way. There are thousands if not millions of girls who feel the way the way I do. Let this not only be a goal to reach, but a journey to take. I know this won’t be a journey for me to take alone for I know that it is you alone who gives me strength, determination and motivation to do what my heart is fixed on.

I want to look in the mirror and see what you see, a beautiful God-made image that is one-of-a-kind. I want to teach future generations, like my nieces, they are beautiful and being healthy is not just about being skinny but about taking care of the temple that you have given us rule over while we are here on Earth. They need to know they can be happy and eat what they will without giving their bodies over to diseases that can be so easily prevented. This journey is not just for me, but for others as well. I want your joy and peace to exude through me and the only way others and see you through me is if I am happy with the person I am and am becoming.

This isn’t all about weight loss, but it is the foundation. I want to be able to receive a compliment and trust that it isn’t a lie. When people look at on the street or in my car, I want to believe that they see God in me which makes me a beautiful person and not a spectacle for their entertainment. You have given me the desire to start this journey, give me strength, desire, motivation and endurance to continue and take others with me. I know that weight loss alone won’t make me happy, it’s the transformation from the inside out that will allow for your joy and contentment to flow freely through me.

I don’t need a workout partner because I have the best partner and the ultimate trainer to guide me and cheer me on. Lord, I know you are there for me when people don’t understand. Keep me reminded that this is not strictly for them nor for me, but for us all.

In Jesus name,


To everyone that reads this:

I’ve seen people loose weight, not for themselves but for other people and they are miserable. I don’t want to be that person; I don’t want you to be that person. There are programs everywhere to help people with weight loss, but I know where my help comes from. Everyone has a program, but they can’t help me, the ordinary 13-25 year old female that lives with her parents, works a not so great paying job and is looking for her place in the world.

There are projects and programs to build things, clean up areas, add curriculum, renew this refresh that, but what about refreshing the hearts and renewing the minds that have been tormented and broken from words and images that quietly seep into the minds girls and boys, young and old that whispers to them that they’re not good enough, that they have something to prove, not to themselves but to others that unknowingly and knowingly instigate the preposterous accusations that they have to fit into a mold that impossible to fit into. How can you make a square peg fit into a round hole? You don’t! If there are no square holes, make one.

In my case, I am told that I am beautiful everyday, so you can’t blame TV or society. There is no blame to be passed here, but what about those who are not told that they are beautiful, who have to hear it from the television? You may not want or need to loose weight, you may not think you’re smart enough, you’re too short, ugly, skinny or you may just feel ordinary and you let yourself fade into the background praying no one sees you. Make the world see and accept you for who you are!

This is a journey. Read this and feel outraged, angry, sadness, sympathy, but please feel something. Apathy has plagued us for too long. It’s a silent disease that is killing the hearts of God’s children and we don’t even recognize it. Don’t cry for me or for those who wish to join me on the journey of healing and transformation from whatever it is that has weighed them down, cheer us on! This is a journey to help us loose weight, gain weight, build confidence, learn to dance, whatever it is, join me. Let this be a journey of expectancy, growth, setbacks, fear, hope, triumph and ultimately long lasting victory!