Thursday, May 26, 2011


I love Glee, if you've been hiding under a rock for the past year, Glee is a show on Fox that follows a high school glee club and all its drama! Well, they performed Blackbird, originally sang by the Beatles and is a great song even if you have no idea what it means. Let me school you just in case you've forgotten or you don't know...Blackbird was written by Paul McCartney in 1968 in reaction to the segregation and oppression of Black people in the United States at the time. The symbolism in the song is so beautiful and encouraging that it touches me every single time I hear it.

The song i not about a bird flying, but a black girl that is waiting for her time and her freedom; bird was a slang term for girl at the time. The song not only speaks to me as a Black woman, but as a person waiting for their moment to fly and be free. Even if you're not Black or oppressed, this song should encourage you. If you're struggling within your own mind like I have been for so long, or if it feels like life has dumped all over you and you can't seem to see the light..."you were only waiting for this moment to arise." I've been there, believe me and if I haven't someone has. You are not struggling by yourself. There are people all over the world that seem to have everything they could ever ask for, but they are trapped behind the walls of their hearts and engulfed in the darkest clouds of their mind.

Kate Voegele said it best in her song Sweet Silver Lining, "I may be weak, but I'm never defeated, and I'll keep believing in clouds with that sweet silver lining..." You cannot let your situation wheter good or bad define who you are. Define who you are through Christ, not circumstances. I'm not saying you will be happy all the time; I'm not that naive because I've been there. I know loss and pain, despair and grief, I feel like that's been my life these past four months, but you have to believe in the sweet silver lining that God provides no matter how dark the clouds are. You know how on really cloudy night, there are so many dark clouds that you can't see the moon?...that doesn't mean that its not there shining as bright as ever! Even when you can't see the brilliance of the moon, and your days have become nights and you can't see your hand in front of your face, be encouraged, the moon is still there.

I was at church this past Sunday and a minister said even though midnight may be dark, you should rejoice because midnight is the beginning of a new day! I didn't get it at first because you hear that the darkest hours are just before day and that midnight isn't the darkest, the fourth watch of night is and that's where my mind went, but think people...midnight is the beginning of a new day and that in itself is something to rejoice in!!! When you think everyone is out to get you, your family, employer, yourself...remember this...

"fly, fly, were only waiting for this moment to be free"