Monday, November 7, 2011

The Day Our World Stood Still

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like if the Earth stopped spinning? They say we'd all be catapulted sideways and even the oceans would slosh from side to side, but we would not be thrown out into space; half of the Earth would be in complete sunlight while the other half in complete darkness. If this happened, we'd all ask "why?" How would this incident impact us individually? What can we do to help? How can we change what is?

Friday, our world stopped spinning. We held our breath for hours. Sitting. Watching. Waiting. Praying. Friday, we were catapulted from the very place we stood. Friday came and life as we knew it seemed normal. It started out like every other Friday...we got up, showered and got ready for class and work excited about the possibilities the weekend would bring us. Our campus, like every campus was buzzing with the almost tangible electricity only a Friday could bring, but unlike every other campus on a Friday around 3pm, our world stood still and we were thrown from our cars, office chairs, dorm beds, couches, wherever we were at that time by the news of tragedy.

We were thrown, but we weren't hurled into space. We got the wind knocked out of us, but we caught our breath and before we could even think to ask "why", we flew into action. We made phone calls, rushed to be with those in need, updated the world and most importantly we prayed fervently for the all-seeing eyes of God to watch over what many could not see. Within hours we did what we knew to do, what is ingrained in us, we came together as a unifying body to be the shoulder that many could lean on.

There are people that feel the heat of anger and many feel the cold dark shadow of sadness and grief, but whatever you are feeling at the moment know that it will not last always. If you were directly impacted, hear me when I say these days of heartache, sadness, pain and darkness will not last forever. For the rest of us who were indirectly impacted, let us be the jolt that our world needs to start spinning again.

Friday, our world stopped spinning.

Friday, our world was jolted by the outpouring of love that jump-started our world to start spinning again.