Monday, December 27, 2010

Show Me How to Live

you know when you're young and you have these things that you want to do and be when you grow up? back then, they were called dreams and everybody wanted to hear about it; they thought it was cute to hear you wanted to be a firefighter a teacher, a model, an actress and have a spouse while living in the city and raise a family in the suburbs. my dreams weren't quite the same; i wanted to be famous and have my family live in one huge house, travel and be known my millions! either way, as a child your dreams were cute, but know that we're older our dreams have been morphed and distorted into priorities.

now that im almost 25, it seems like a priority to have a great career, be in a meaningful relationship, find peace, be happy and have plans to start a family of you haven't already. instead of the world thinking you're still as cute at that 5 year old who wanted all those things, they now see you as a late bloomer or someone that "needs to get a move on". its funny how society has put a time limit on the stages of life, growth and development. im sure we've all heard this...

(im pretty sure if goes something like this for men and women...i think)

by 15 you have your first job, 16 you have a driver's license, 18 you're dating and in college, 21 you're about to graduate, 25 you're married with a career and enjoying all marriage has to offer with child #1 on the way, at 30 you're thriving, happy and on cloud 9 with a beautiful family, amazing spouse and a career you wouldnt change for the world! At 45, although you may hot a midlife crisis you have your loved ones to see you through, you're fabulous at 50 and loving that youre "over the hill", 65 you're celebrating 40 something years of a wonderful marriage and youre wonderful grandparents that can spoil all of your grandchildren and you retire and enjoy life with your spouse on an island or the countryside until youre called home...this is RIDICULOUS!!!!

if we all lived by this timeline, half of us would be pulling our hair out or banging our heads against a wall because this hasnt or isnt going to happen to us! once society lets us see that its ok if the above isnt your story, the quicker we'll learn to make our own timeline in life. i did, and so far here's what mine looks like: first job at 17 (only because my school require it), 18 go to college (i dodnt really want to go), 20 finally get a driver's license, 22 graduate from college, intern and move back home with parents and get a job in retail, 24 learn to be ok in the place you're in.

while some crazy person decided to show us how to live, they didnt show us how to love, how to cope with the crap that life throws at us; they didnt write a manual on how to deal with heartbreak and the pain of life not going how you imagined it. but someone did, long before what seems normal was ever thought of, there was a manual written for times like this...the BIBLE, its good, try picking it up and reading about how our plans are not God's plans. believe me, it gives you peace when all your friends are getting married, starting wonderful careers, having children, starting blossoming relationships, etc. believe me, i know.

only God himself can show you how to live. everyone will have you going crazy or trying to live up to an unreal expectation, or something that's just not you. dont get me wrong, i have amazing relationships, a beautiful family, a great house; just not in the aspect that others think i should have. all of the wonderful joys that you're supposed to experience in life, you will. maybe not in the way you think you will, but because of that i have a story to tell and i will continue telling you my story as it unfolds. and who knows, things change so quickly, maybe i'll be singing a new tune on the next entry. until then, stay blessed, bless others and bless God.

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