Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What If

i'm not the biggest fan of romantic comedies, but sometimes i break down and i'll watch one. well, i did. i watched Letters to Juliet the other night, and for anyone who loves with romantic comedies, this one was pretty good. i hate to spoil a piece of the movie, but Amanda Seyfried's character Sophie says, "What and If are two words as non-threatening as words can be. But put them together side-by-side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life..."

i love that quote because sometimes i feel like i live a life filled with "what ifs". i think about how different life could have been for me if i would have not been so cautious, said "i love you" more, hugged someone longer, kept my mouth closed, i could go on and on. i try not to live in "what ifs" anymore because they do haunt you and i don't want to look back on my life 20 years from now and wonder "what if".

i've been told that i'm a bit bold, but i don't think i'm bold enough, be bold. don't let fear keep you from what could be yours. you don't want to look back and regret not starting your business, writing a book, telling him or her you like them, going to grad school, taking a dance class, making life too serious or not taking it serious enough, overlooking the simple things in life, etc. please be smart, don't go crazy making your life difficult or someone else's life difficult. pray and be bold.

every situation may not turn out the way you want it to, believe me it won't, but you won't regret doing or saying what will keep life adventurous, spontaneous and fun. don't get me wrong i am very logical and realistic, but i have my moments when i'm an idealist. i know that life isn't all fun and games, but enjoy it while you can. sometimes i look at my friends and peers and feel like i should be at a different place in my life with an amazing job, in a relationship, getting my master's, travelling, starting a family but i had to realize that's not where i'm supposed to be. you are where you're supposed to be at this very moment in your life. where you are is not a mistake. don't use your friends and/or family as a measuring stick for your life's success. it took me over a year to learn that lesson, but i get it now.

let's not be so wrapped up in what we think we should be doing. let go, try something different, learn a new language, learn to dance, go on an adventure, play in the rain, read a book, fall in love, whatever it is (make sure its legal) do it and have fun and take someone with you! don't let the "what if" of life haunt you.

be bold. think bold. live bold.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

If Music be the Food of Love, Play On

knowing me, you know that i'm a skeptic and a realist; some may think that i am a pessimist, but i know better. i wish i could believe in the one thing that so many people base their lives on, what little girls dream about, what women pray for and what men secretly long for, love. well, i guess i shouldn't say i don't believe in love because i do. love literally saved the world and i will forever believe in the love that saved a dying race and a world that was and is swimming in a cesspool of sin.

but the love i speak of is one that is said to make you do crazy things, lift you up where one belongs, makes you act foolish, blah, blah blah!!!! i'm not sure what makes me so cynical about what i have seen for the last 24 years. my parents have been married for 25 years and have known each other for about 30 years and they love each other and will continue to love each other until they're dying day, but i don't get it.

i want to understand, and i've had conversations with friends and family and i want to believe in happy endings, but i'm not sure if i do. the worst part about it is i've seen it, i live in the house with it and i see it all the time. will all the great love stories written from Romeo and Juliet to Edward and Bella i can't seem to find the connection.

i have my moments, although not very often, where i wish i were riding through Tuscany with the wind in my hair, without a care in the world and with the love of my life. then reality sets in. i want to believe in epic love, that which surpasses time and space, a love that reaches from heart to heart, one that lives on forever.

i wonder where my cynicism comes from? only God knows, but i believe one day this cynical girl with a heart for people will truly believe and have a heart for love. but until then, i will leave you with the words from histories great storyteller, William Shakespeare:

"Doubt that the stars are fire, Doubt that the sun doth move his aides, Doubt truth to be a liar, But never doubt I love "

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Great Expectations

For the past year or so I've felt as if I've done a lot of maturing; probably not as much or as fast I should have, but maturing nonetheless. I've always had these little saying that I keep close because they keep out the hurt, whether you think it be good or bad, it helps me. One has and will always be, "expect nothing". You may think it to be harsh, but I've always felt that if you don't expect anything from anyone then you can't get hurt and you won't be disappointed.

You can only get disappointed so many times before it becomes too much, and that's when I decided to "expect nothing", from other people.Once you get in your mind what you expect someone to do or say that's when things become complicated when they don;t have to be. If you expect someone to say something a certain way or behave or certain way and it doesn't happen like you expect it to, you've just made something simple into something complicated, in my opinion of course.

I'm learning to expect great things from myself and what I think is impossible from God. He can do, with our belief and faith, what we see as impossible and that's what's so awesome about God. I guess you can say I forgot my little saying these past few months and I started expecting things from people and like always got my feelings hurt. But, I've come to my senses and believe that everything I need from comfort from sadness to company from loneliness, I expect from the one who see and knows all.

Expect greatness from yourself and great things from Christ. People will let you down; its human nature, but He doesn't know how to fail not will He let you down. I have set a goal for myself beside on continuing to work on myself from the inside out, but to loose 25 pounds by the time I turn 25 (if it be His will). It can be done, and while I take on what seems like a crazy goal I believe God will increase my testimony. God will bless your ministry and your efforts, but we must never forget to worship Him in spirit and in truth which is the least we can do.

What will you expect from yourself? What will you expect from God on this week?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Born For This

If you ever wonder why you're at a certain place in your life or why you were created in the first place, other than to glorify God with your very existence, I think I have an were born for whatever you're doing right now!Right now, I'm having a difficult time with my career path and trying to figure out the timeline in which God wants me to follow, I'm learning patience and sacrifice and I'm trying to be an inspiration to others by being as open and honest as possible so people know they're not alone. So, if you're wondering why things are going absolutely spectacular or you feel like you're on a downward spiral in your life...YOU WERE BORN FOR THIS!!!

Your life, your existence, your raison d'etre is for this very moment! The struggles, the heartaches, the feeling your life is a sucking black hole, your joys, inspirations, light bulb moments, your fears and aspirations, the good, the bad and the indifferent all serve a purpose in your life. You were born for these moments, you were born to tell your story.

I graduated from ACU (pretty awesome place is I can say so myself), but today in chapel they or we (I watched online) had the honor of being blessed by Blake Mycoskie, Chief Shoe Giver and founder of TOMS shoes, and a very smart, savvy businessman. While I was listening to him speak and being inspired I was thinking that everything that went on in his life, being on The Amazing Race, starting his own online driver's ed program, becoming exhausted and going to Argentina, being in the cafe' at the right time, all these things were meant to happen so he could start a company that would change not only his life, or the people who received shoes, but every detail small or large was meant to happen so he could change the world! He didn't and couldn't do it alone and I'm sure he'd tell you that, but he was born for what he is doing right now!

OK, so many of us won't impact the entire world with the events that are happening in our lives, but scale it down a little; your story, your life may inspire one person, or spark an idea or simply out a smile on someone's, but your story may change their world. When I start thinking that my life is a little less than ordinary and there's nothing special about who I am, I think of my Creator and I force myself to remember that no accidents were made when I was created, I am not a mishap. Everything that I am doing and going through now, I was born to do!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Not Forgotten

Have you ever felt like through the hustle and craziness of life, you've somehow faded into the background, like you're screaming to the top of your lung in a room full of people but no one hears you?

Sometimes I feel as if no one can see me or has time for me, but then I remember that God has not forgotten me; even if my friends or family don't have time, He always has time and sees me. I am not forgotten.

I was talking to a good friend yesterday and seemed a bit discouraged about her job, and I as told her, I had to remember myself that when you see your friends and people around you getting the things they want and receiving favor from God, we mustn't feel bad or angry, but remember that it's not your season.

When you feel like you're getting passed over or you're stuck in a rut, believe and remember that God has not forgotten about you, although you are one in billions, He knows your name and is willing and ready to be there for you just be patient.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


i haven't workout out in a few days, i guess i'd gotten myself into a funk about things in life that don't really matter. I think I'm getting to a point where i'm realizing that if i'm worried about it, i'm not praying about it. it was my day off so i got out of "chill mode" and worked out for 2 hours and i feel great. i decided that working out is something i enjoy doing because i don't really have to think or worry or be concerned with anything. who would have thought that someone like me would enjoy working out!?

so, i was out walking/jogging and there's a small incline on the path that i walk, nothing really to be concerned about but i always run the decline, because its easy. well, today i decided that i would try to conquer this incline (my giant) and WOW, i didn't make all the way up before i stopped running. i thought i was dying!!i was at the point where my mouth was open, my side was hurting and i thought i would pass out in the middle of the street!

there are giants in everyone's life, even if you think it may be insignificant to others, it could be a big thing for you to overcome. i always tell people if its a problem for you, then its a problem no matter how big or small other people may think. i giants on a daily basis; looking at myself in the mirror trying to see what my family sees and what people see in me, accepting that i am in the place in my life for a reason, cleaning my room, eating right, etc. these are giants for me.

Donald Lawrence has a song called "Giants" and i love it because it speaks to every situation in anyone's life. The like to the lyrics are below, but it simply says that giants do die, the bigger they are the harder they fall. be encouraged by those words, i am. whatever your giant is /are know that if and when you pray they'll fall; whether its pushing yourself to do homework, if you're looking for a new job, trying to fix a broken relationship, getting used to a new lifestyle or finding the will to get out of bed in the morning, know that your giants will fall and it will get easier daily until you've conquered your giants. What giant will you try to conquer in the coming days/weeks?

Giants, by Donald Lawrence

Friday, September 3, 2010

Start With God

Yesterday was not the best day at all, neither was last night. The only thing I enjoyed was my workout and my time with God; I guess that's the only thing that really matters, in hindsight, anything that we enjoy in our life is a blessing. Last night was rough, I didn't sleep well and my dreams were scary and outrageous so I couldn't wait for morning. I've been having nightmares for the past couple of months, so I talked to my dad about it and he asked me, "do you ask God to come into your dreams?". I tried it last night and no, my nightmares didn't end, but when I woke up, I turned over and grabbed my Bible. I started with God.

" Start with God-the first step in learning is bowing down to God; only fools thumb there noses at such wisdom and learning." (Proverbs 1:7, The Message)I think once we learn how to start our day, whether things go your way or not, we will have peace at the end of the day. I'm not saying that everyday we have to wake up and read our Bible for hours at a time, but the least we can do is give thanks for another morning and recognize it was Christ that woke us up, not our alarm clock, the buzzing of our cell phone, the dogs barking or the cries of our baby.

Our lives are so busy with work, school, family and so many other things that can easily move our focus from what matters most-God. Starting with God on a daily basis will always have its benefits. I was able to run a little bit longer, workout a little harder, not by my own strength, but by the strength of our Lord. Start with God today in everything you do.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Commit Thy Way

So, I guess you can say I have commitment issues. It's always been difficult for me to stay with something without getting bored. I've tried quite a few things in my 24 years; I've played the piano, cello, I was a cosmetologist, a college student...I could keep going, but let's say the only thing I've ever finished was college.There are tons of things that I like to do, but I quickly level out and get bored. Like I said, commitment issues! After talking to my dad, I realized my commitment problems and I prayed about it, and this is what I was told in a roundabout way, "commit thy way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He will bring it to pass." (Psalm 37:5).

So, I woke up late this morning to rain and dark clouds. For those who know me or not, please understand that rain is not my thing. I don't really like it unless I'm sitting on the couch with a book or watching a movie, wrapped in a blanket with nowhere to go.I didn't want to do or go anywhere this morning. I work in retail so I work at night and I usually get home around 10 or 11pm every night and I'm up for while after that so getting up in the morning is a huge sacrifice, plus a lot of prayer is a huge help!So, this morning I did an ab workouk, yoga and went walking/jogging in the rain! If you're from a big city you know how it smells when it rains; not great. It smelled like hot, wet garbage, and it was raining so the concrete is slick, not the most ideal running conditions! Yes, my hair got wet...commitment!

Creating the life that I want for myself and the life you want for you and/or your family takes commitment. I know those first few days you feel like nothing can stop you, but believe me, become tired enough and if nothing else you can stop yourself. Don't be your own worst enemy, be committed to the change you want to make. I'm working on my commitment issues everyday through prayer and the drive to reach my goal. Are you committed?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

No Sacrifice, No Victory

"No Sacrifice, No Victory" is a quote that is written on the mirror in my room so I have to look at it everyday. Believe me, there is so much truth in those four little words. OK, you caught me, I got it from one of my favorite movies, Transformers, but the principle is biblical. I was watching the movie one day and I heard "Sam" tell "Optimus", "no sacrifice, no victory" and that stayed with me the entire day. That night I began to ask God why my life was the way it was? I'm 24 and I'm no where near where I want to be in life and I didn't understand why, and those four words were brought back to my remembrance in the middle of my prayer so I asked God to teach me sacrifice. My sister has been talking to me about sacrifice for the longest and I didn't get it, but after that night I declared to God and myself that I would began to sacrifice.

They always say be careful what you wish for because you just might get it, and its true. There were all these things I was asking and seeking God for, on my behalf and for others, and with those things comes sacrifice. I told the Lord I needed more money, well I haven't been granted to opportunity for a better paying job, so I had to start sacrificing some things i wanted, but didn't need. I want to loose weight, well, I had to sacrifice fast food, junk and time so I can get up earlier and workout. I wanted to start reading more, so I had to sacrifice some time that I was out or watching TV and pick up a book. I know some of these thing may sound trivial, but they mean a lot to me.

God made the ultimate sacrifice in allowing His son to be born on this Earth, live a perfect life, but die a cruel death so that we may have the ultimate victory, life with Him.

This about what you want, it could be anything and ask yourself this question: What do I need to sacrifice (maybe not totally give up), but lessen in order to get what I want out of life, school, your job, relationships, etc?