Thursday, September 2, 2010

Commit Thy Way

So, I guess you can say I have commitment issues. It's always been difficult for me to stay with something without getting bored. I've tried quite a few things in my 24 years; I've played the piano, cello, I was a cosmetologist, a college student...I could keep going, but let's say the only thing I've ever finished was college.There are tons of things that I like to do, but I quickly level out and get bored. Like I said, commitment issues! After talking to my dad, I realized my commitment problems and I prayed about it, and this is what I was told in a roundabout way, "commit thy way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He will bring it to pass." (Psalm 37:5).

So, I woke up late this morning to rain and dark clouds. For those who know me or not, please understand that rain is not my thing. I don't really like it unless I'm sitting on the couch with a book or watching a movie, wrapped in a blanket with nowhere to go.I didn't want to do or go anywhere this morning. I work in retail so I work at night and I usually get home around 10 or 11pm every night and I'm up for while after that so getting up in the morning is a huge sacrifice, plus a lot of prayer is a huge help!So, this morning I did an ab workouk, yoga and went walking/jogging in the rain! If you're from a big city you know how it smells when it rains; not great. It smelled like hot, wet garbage, and it was raining so the concrete is slick, not the most ideal running conditions! Yes, my hair got wet...commitment!

Creating the life that I want for myself and the life you want for you and/or your family takes commitment. I know those first few days you feel like nothing can stop you, but believe me, become tired enough and if nothing else you can stop yourself. Don't be your own worst enemy, be committed to the change you want to make. I'm working on my commitment issues everyday through prayer and the drive to reach my goal. Are you committed?

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