Sunday, September 19, 2010

Great Expectations

For the past year or so I've felt as if I've done a lot of maturing; probably not as much or as fast I should have, but maturing nonetheless. I've always had these little saying that I keep close because they keep out the hurt, whether you think it be good or bad, it helps me. One has and will always be, "expect nothing". You may think it to be harsh, but I've always felt that if you don't expect anything from anyone then you can't get hurt and you won't be disappointed.

You can only get disappointed so many times before it becomes too much, and that's when I decided to "expect nothing", from other people.Once you get in your mind what you expect someone to do or say that's when things become complicated when they don;t have to be. If you expect someone to say something a certain way or behave or certain way and it doesn't happen like you expect it to, you've just made something simple into something complicated, in my opinion of course.

I'm learning to expect great things from myself and what I think is impossible from God. He can do, with our belief and faith, what we see as impossible and that's what's so awesome about God. I guess you can say I forgot my little saying these past few months and I started expecting things from people and like always got my feelings hurt. But, I've come to my senses and believe that everything I need from comfort from sadness to company from loneliness, I expect from the one who see and knows all.

Expect greatness from yourself and great things from Christ. People will let you down; its human nature, but He doesn't know how to fail not will He let you down. I have set a goal for myself beside on continuing to work on myself from the inside out, but to loose 25 pounds by the time I turn 25 (if it be His will). It can be done, and while I take on what seems like a crazy goal I believe God will increase my testimony. God will bless your ministry and your efforts, but we must never forget to worship Him in spirit and in truth which is the least we can do.

What will you expect from yourself? What will you expect from God on this week?

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