Thursday, September 9, 2010


i haven't workout out in a few days, i guess i'd gotten myself into a funk about things in life that don't really matter. I think I'm getting to a point where i'm realizing that if i'm worried about it, i'm not praying about it. it was my day off so i got out of "chill mode" and worked out for 2 hours and i feel great. i decided that working out is something i enjoy doing because i don't really have to think or worry or be concerned with anything. who would have thought that someone like me would enjoy working out!?

so, i was out walking/jogging and there's a small incline on the path that i walk, nothing really to be concerned about but i always run the decline, because its easy. well, today i decided that i would try to conquer this incline (my giant) and WOW, i didn't make all the way up before i stopped running. i thought i was dying!!i was at the point where my mouth was open, my side was hurting and i thought i would pass out in the middle of the street!

there are giants in everyone's life, even if you think it may be insignificant to others, it could be a big thing for you to overcome. i always tell people if its a problem for you, then its a problem no matter how big or small other people may think. i giants on a daily basis; looking at myself in the mirror trying to see what my family sees and what people see in me, accepting that i am in the place in my life for a reason, cleaning my room, eating right, etc. these are giants for me.

Donald Lawrence has a song called "Giants" and i love it because it speaks to every situation in anyone's life. The like to the lyrics are below, but it simply says that giants do die, the bigger they are the harder they fall. be encouraged by those words, i am. whatever your giant is /are know that if and when you pray they'll fall; whether its pushing yourself to do homework, if you're looking for a new job, trying to fix a broken relationship, getting used to a new lifestyle or finding the will to get out of bed in the morning, know that your giants will fall and it will get easier daily until you've conquered your giants. What giant will you try to conquer in the coming days/weeks?

Giants, by Donald Lawrence

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