Wednesday, September 1, 2010

No Sacrifice, No Victory

"No Sacrifice, No Victory" is a quote that is written on the mirror in my room so I have to look at it everyday. Believe me, there is so much truth in those four little words. OK, you caught me, I got it from one of my favorite movies, Transformers, but the principle is biblical. I was watching the movie one day and I heard "Sam" tell "Optimus", "no sacrifice, no victory" and that stayed with me the entire day. That night I began to ask God why my life was the way it was? I'm 24 and I'm no where near where I want to be in life and I didn't understand why, and those four words were brought back to my remembrance in the middle of my prayer so I asked God to teach me sacrifice. My sister has been talking to me about sacrifice for the longest and I didn't get it, but after that night I declared to God and myself that I would began to sacrifice.

They always say be careful what you wish for because you just might get it, and its true. There were all these things I was asking and seeking God for, on my behalf and for others, and with those things comes sacrifice. I told the Lord I needed more money, well I haven't been granted to opportunity for a better paying job, so I had to start sacrificing some things i wanted, but didn't need. I want to loose weight, well, I had to sacrifice fast food, junk and time so I can get up earlier and workout. I wanted to start reading more, so I had to sacrifice some time that I was out or watching TV and pick up a book. I know some of these thing may sound trivial, but they mean a lot to me.

God made the ultimate sacrifice in allowing His son to be born on this Earth, live a perfect life, but die a cruel death so that we may have the ultimate victory, life with Him.

This about what you want, it could be anything and ask yourself this question: What do I need to sacrifice (maybe not totally give up), but lessen in order to get what I want out of life, school, your job, relationships, etc?

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