Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What If

i'm not the biggest fan of romantic comedies, but sometimes i break down and i'll watch one. well, i did. i watched Letters to Juliet the other night, and for anyone who loves with romantic comedies, this one was pretty good. i hate to spoil a piece of the movie, but Amanda Seyfried's character Sophie says, "What and If are two words as non-threatening as words can be. But put them together side-by-side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life..."

i love that quote because sometimes i feel like i live a life filled with "what ifs". i think about how different life could have been for me if i would have not been so cautious, said "i love you" more, hugged someone longer, kept my mouth closed, i could go on and on. i try not to live in "what ifs" anymore because they do haunt you and i don't want to look back on my life 20 years from now and wonder "what if".

i've been told that i'm a bit bold, but i don't think i'm bold enough, be bold. don't let fear keep you from what could be yours. you don't want to look back and regret not starting your business, writing a book, telling him or her you like them, going to grad school, taking a dance class, making life too serious or not taking it serious enough, overlooking the simple things in life, etc. please be smart, don't go crazy making your life difficult or someone else's life difficult. pray and be bold.

every situation may not turn out the way you want it to, believe me it won't, but you won't regret doing or saying what will keep life adventurous, spontaneous and fun. don't get me wrong i am very logical and realistic, but i have my moments when i'm an idealist. i know that life isn't all fun and games, but enjoy it while you can. sometimes i look at my friends and peers and feel like i should be at a different place in my life with an amazing job, in a relationship, getting my master's, travelling, starting a family but i had to realize that's not where i'm supposed to be. you are where you're supposed to be at this very moment in your life. where you are is not a mistake. don't use your friends and/or family as a measuring stick for your life's success. it took me over a year to learn that lesson, but i get it now.

let's not be so wrapped up in what we think we should be doing. let go, try something different, learn a new language, learn to dance, go on an adventure, play in the rain, read a book, fall in love, whatever it is (make sure its legal) do it and have fun and take someone with you! don't let the "what if" of life haunt you.

be bold. think bold. live bold.

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